Welcome to Stonehill Nursery School
federated with Dale Community Primary School

Welcome to Stonehill Nursery School and our website.  I am very proud to be the Head Teacher of such a vibrant school where the staff are determined to give our pupils an exceptional start to their education.  We are passionate about working in partnership with our parents which includes providing family learning opportunities led by our staff as well as outside agencies.  Please take some time to read the comments below from our most recent Parent Questionnaire.

I hope this website provides you with useful information about our school, but please do not hesitate to contact the school office if you would like any further information or if you would like to visit our school.

Louise Foster - Headteacher

Book Swap

Taking place each Monday, families can join us in the Nursery Library to swap a book.

We also have little bags containing Nursery rhymes and story sequencing cards that can be shared at home and returned the following week :)

Latest Newsletter

Some of the team at Stonehill are Elklan trained, which means we are now an Elklan Communication Friendly Setting (CFSe) the accreditation is awarded to settings that have trained and support all their staff in communication and language development. For more information, please speak to Lucy. We have also taken part in the Hanen Program, which was developed by a speech-language pathologist. It is an early language intervention program for children with language delays, and has since grown to include programs for language delay, autism spectrum disorder

Meet Hoppity

Our favourite nursery friend!

Hoppity is our attendance teddy bear who spends the week playing with the children in the class with the best attendance for the week.

Parent Survey Responses (October 2024)

Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete the form, it is much appreciated.

The nursery is run by caring and wonderful people. My children arrive smiling every day and tell me how much fun the have when they get home.
— Parent, July 2023
I like the way the nursery teachers give me an informative update at the time I collect my child.
— Parent, July 2023
I think the nursery is amazing, especially for the children with additional needs. All the teachers are very supportive, very friendly and caring towards the kids.
— Parent, July 2023