Our Two Year Old Provision


We have created a curriculum for our 2-year olds that is centred around the needs of our children. We ensure that we facilitate a smooth transition from home to nursery, providing a home from home feel in the setting. We build on children’s existing skills and interests fostering a joy of learning and discovery.  Our curriculum is well planned and our skilled staff are able to respond in the moment to address individual interests, needs and next steps.  We help our children develop into active learners by providing rich experiences both indoors and outdoors. We focus on the prime areas of learning as we believe that young children need to master these skills before they are equipped to explore other areas of learning however staff are skilled to be able to recognise when children may need their learning to be developed across the specific areas of learning. 

Core Books

These books have been selected to help develop children’s interests and knowledge of the world around them. We want them to foster the love of reading and extend their vocabulary and expressive language. Although we have a core text list the children will be exposed to a broad range of fiction and non-fiction books and book sharing will be valued. 

Session Timetable